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A term used on snapchat by irish people that stands for meet or pass. A meet is an irish term for a long kiss usually involving hands

Mp and hos

by Naughtopus November 14, 2018

1👍 2👎

whats up with that

One of the funniest series of sketches Saturday Night Live have ever made.
Seriously search "Whats up with that snl" on Youtube

Kenan Thompson "Ooooh yeah, Whats up up with that, whats up with that"

by Naughtopus May 31, 2018

9👍 1👎

absolute naughton

An absolute legend who gets so much pussy and is very funny

"yo, that G is an absolute naughton"

by Naughtopus May 31, 2018


Irish slang term for male underwear

Teacher teacher let us leg it to the jacks before I scutter me jocks

by Naughtopus September 27, 2018

1👍 1👎

Dorm Rules

It's not gay if there's no eye contact

"Five knuckle shuffle?"
"Dorm rules!"

by Naughtopus May 24, 2019

ayy you guys

a greeting that is from the goonies and a character called sloth with a deformed face that was popularized as a joke or meme and is used as a joke term

you are trying to make a funny entrance to large group "Ayy you guys"

by Naughtopus May 10, 2018

amber leaf

Smokes you have to roll yourself
Usually smoked by stoners and junkies
In song "She goes out with a red hot" in the greatest singing in existence at the very end of the video

"she smokes amber leaf"

by Naughtopus November 6, 2018