Source Code

water washer

The auto-complete version of Water Waster. I'm not joking. This definition was created by Auto complete.

Guy 1: Hey, who's someone who wastes Water?
Guy 2: Water washer!
Guy 1: bruh stop speaking auto complete

by Nekromancers March 1, 2020


A dyslexic person who doesn’t know how to read

Person 1: Here, Have a book. Read it!
A Tahts: I can’t. I’m a tahts

by Nekromancers January 6, 2019

4👍 10👎


It means leet in numbers.
It’s used by 12 year olds.

12 year old: Hey, That’s 1337!
Mature 12 year old: Are you immature?

by Nekromancers January 6, 2019

1👍 1👎


Gibberish. Why would you ever use this?


by Nekromancers December 9, 2021


The word that is uttured during the worst points... of a total mental breakdown. It is just "W H Y?", they have nothing to feel but that at that moment.

Iakajajajajajjaajajajaajaka boi: W H Y ?

by Nekromancers September 6, 2020

That is crazy

Pepole are insane and are trying to burn every fucking person they meet.

I wanna kill everyone
Dude, That is crazy!

by Nekromancers December 15, 2018

2👍 1👎


An impossibility. Because Q must be followed by U, it's impossible.

Guy 1: I wanna fly!

Girl: What? you can't fly...

Guy 2: Yeah, that's a qi.

by Nekromancers March 1, 2020