Source Code


A cross between a Shitzu and a Poodle

Meet my dog, It's a Shittle.

by Neosim April 24, 2004

8👍 24👎


A nocturnal dragonman who is maybe just a dragon. Burninates peasants, "the countryside" and thatch roof cottages.

Trogdor was a man, he was a dragon man, or maybe he was just a dragon, but he was still Trogdor!

by Neosim February 18, 2003

9👍 15👎

pom pom

Homestar Runners Main Man. From the Isle of Pom, where he has 27 girlfriends. He has a quick wit and an IQ that is off the scales. He's genrally a nice guy. He also speaks only in bubbles. *bubble bubble bubble*

"Pom-pom, my main man"

by Neosim February 19, 2003

244👍 77👎

The chort

See The Cheat

by Neosim February 19, 2003

10👍 2👎