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Spanish Warrior from Capcom's successful figihting game "Street Fighter". Egostatistical ninja who feels that he is the best looking creature alive.

Vega is best identified by his claw, mask, snake tatoo, and ponytail.

by NeroMan June 1, 2003

72πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Muay Thai master from Capcom fighting game series Street Fighter. Identifyable by his trademark scar, eyepatch, and bald head.
-Kill Dan Hibiki's father. go Hibiki.
-Lost to Ryu at the end of the first Street Fighter tournement.
-Joined Shadowloo on a quest for revenge.
-Encountered Dan. And saw how Dan's thrust for revenge robbed Dan of his true potential as a warrior. Fakes his defeat at Dan's hand.

Sagat is also known to be the trainer of Adon.

"Sagat's most powerful moves ar the Tiger-Uppercut and the Tiger Shot"

by NeroMan June 16, 2003

57πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Transformer. Unicron made the original Galvatron using the remains of Megatron. Galvatron is immensely powerful, yet he is also crazed to the point where he wouldn't hesitate to abuse his own underlings.

by NeroMan June 1, 2003

117πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Transformer from Hasbro's mid-eighties toy line and coresponding television series.
The six members of the constructions are:
Hook, Scrapper, Long Haul, Bonecrusher, Mixmaster, and Scavenger.
The constructicons are brilliant architects and can construct physical wonders at exponential speeds. Sadly, they use their talents primarily for evil. When provoked, the Constructicons can merge to form Devastator, the strongest and most dangerous Decepticon of it's time, next to perhaps only Megatron.

"Constructicons, merge for the kill!"

by NeroMan June 2, 2003

The Great Gatsby

F Scott Fitzgerald's classic book. The story of a man Jay Gatz, Daisy, the woman he loves, and Tom, Daisy's arrogant husband. Told from the perspective of Gatsy's neighbor, Nick.
The story reflects the cultural distinction between the upper and lower class during the 1920's in America.

"Nobody know what compelling Jay, the Great Gatsby as he was called, but all were glad to attend his wonderful parties."

by NeroMan August 25, 2003

157πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


Muay Thai practioner from Capcom fighting game Street Fighter.
Trained under Sagat.
Identified by:
- Permanent Sneer.
- Defined pectorals.
- Shaped hair.

Adon was elligible to be recruited into Shadowloo.
Adon spent most of his time in the Street Fighter circuit following Akuma, to defeat him and proove the might of Muay Thai.

"Adon's signature attacks ate the Jaguar Knee and Jaguar Keek."

by NeroMan June 16, 2003

23πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Ginormous robot featured in "Transformers: The Movie." A large metal robot, Unicron is extremely large and devours planets for sustinence. In the comics, he is the embodiment of a dark god who destroyed the universe prior to the big bang. In the American cartoon continuity, he was developed by the alien Primacron. Unicron's only known weakness is the Autobot Matrix.

Kranix: "Arblus look! It's Unicron!"

by NeroMan May 25, 2003

33πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž