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No, no no, you all have it wrong. A gink is someone who wacks off and spooges in a bottle because he thinks it gives him special powers.

Ned: "yo Phil, what's a gink?"

Phil: "someone who spooges in a bottle because they think they get special powers."

by Nexus December 14, 2004

17πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Lexington Steele

Black male porn actor. The epitome of the black man with a rhinocerous cock.

This well-endowed God of a man possesses a unit no less than 14 inches long and 6 inches in girth. Quit his job as a New York stockbroker to go into adult films, where he makes roughly $3,000 per scene.

Huff: "Dude...I just downloaded a porn from Ares and saw Lexington Steele fuck Jenna Jameson's asshole!"

Me: "Yea, and he gets $3,000 everytime he shoots in her face!"

by Nexus November 29, 2004

263πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


30 year old script kiddie that has spent the majority of his life on Undernet

Swope hearts Breinne.

by Nexus June 20, 2003

28πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


A gay man that goes to RHS. He is like a parasite.

Dude, Steven is such a nurduff.

by Nexus October 28, 2003


Annoying ass files that screw up and don't let me run programs and end up crashing my computer!

oh shit! rundl.dll won't work and now i have to reformat my compupter! god damn you, dll!

by Nexus November 29, 2004

32πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Formula 1

I don't know what this is, which is why I came to urbandictionary to find it but it wasn't listed. Someone please define it for me.

VH1 Narrator: A $50,000 video game where you can pretend to race your own Formula 1 car

Ned: Formula 1? Let me check good ol' urbandictionary to see what that means

<few seconds later...>

Ned: ARGH! It's not here! Damn you urbandictionary!!

by Nexus December 16, 2004

22πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž


Short for 'All your base are belong to us', meaning something like 'we own you' or 'you got owned' or something. anyway. The popularity of this phrase is unexplainable but it has circulated the net for years in pictures and text. Originally comes from a game for the sega megadrive system called zero wing, a space shoot-em-up released in japan in the '80s. The game was translated into english (very poorly at that, it almost qualifies as engrish) and released in europe in 1989. For more details on how this phrase came to be, google for 'AYBABTU'.

a picture of a tank getting blown up by a huge missile would be captioned 'aybabtu'.

by Nexus July 24, 2003

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž