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The perfect boyfriend. They'll act socially awkward when you first meet, but is a great guy once you get to know them. Probably plays guitar. They'll listen to all your problems and is a great friend. If you're lucky enough to be dating one, they'll feel like both a boyfriend and a bro. Probably likes that one thicc girl who's their best friend's childhood friend. They like social interaction but they're also complete loners. They're usually attracted to short brunettes with self-confidence issues. Parkers will love and care for you. They usually don't make the first move for fear of rejection. Will text back within 0.02 seconds if they're not currently occupied. A bit clingy, but in a cute way. But when a Parker falls in love, they fall HARD. Never let a Parker go. You'll never get this lucky again in your entire life.

Girl 1: So I heard that you were dating a really nice guy. He totally sounds like a Parker!
Girl 2: OMG how did you know?!?!?

by Noivern67 May 14, 2018

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