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Irish Elk

An extinct species of deer that lived during the Ice Age and was one of the largest deer that ever lived. Its body was only slightly bigger than that of the largest deer today, the moose. But its antlers were far bigger. They measured more than 11.5 feet (3.5 meters) across and were very heavy (they weighed more than a person).

As wth most deer, only the males grew antlers. They probably used their antlers to fight each other at breeding time, to take control of the herd of females.

It was also known as the Giant Deer.

Some Ice Age animals roamed the snowy grasslands, while others wandered in the woods and forests. The Irish Elk probably did both.

by Nordicdragon June 27, 2018


A type of mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young.

The platypus and the echidna are the only known monotremes that exist in the world.

by Nordicdragon June 27, 2018


A giant, flightless bird native to Austrailia. European explorers first spotted the emu in 1696. Since then, they have become one of Australia's most famous species-and the continent's unofficial emblem. But don't underestimate the emu just because it looks like a comically overgrown turkey. It is a big bird and can grow as tall as 6.2 ft (1.9 m) and weigh around 110 ib. (50 kg). It is also powerful, exceptionally fast, and amazingly adaptable. While many of Australia's other flightless birds are struggling to cope with the modern world, the emu has survived and thrived.

1932 was the year of the Great Emu War. The Australian government sent troops into the outback to cull the rising numbers of emus because they were destroying farmers' crops.

by Nordicdragon June 27, 2018


The Japanese name for Godzilla. Gojira combines the Japanese names for gorilla and whale.

Since Gojira is made up of the Japanese words for gorilla and whale, do people in Japan just call Godzilla "Gorilla Whale"?

by Nordicdragon June 27, 2018

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A prehistoric fish that lived during the late Devonian period. It had thick armor plates of bone over its head and neck for protection.

The teeth of Dunkleosteus were fearsome sharp blades of bone. They could easily slice through the armor of other hard-bodied animals.

Some fossils of Dunkleosteus have bite marks from the teeth of other Dunkleosteus. So these massive fish were probably cannibals.

by Nordicdragon June 27, 2018

Kinder Egg

An annoying and overrated toy that's been going strong for 44 years. They're banned in America because some Americans view them as dangerous (some kids have been known to eat the whole thing without knowing that there's a toy inside and had to be rushed to the hospital).

It also doesn't help that the toy is associated with an old creepy Humpty Dumpty commercial that's bound to give little kids night sweats.

Kinder Eggs are overrated. Thank god I grew up with the Wonder Ball instead.

by Nordicdragon July 4, 2018

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An actual heavy metal band for children. Originating in Finland, the group consists of five members who are all people wearing dinosaur costumes.

The band was created by former Thunderstone drummer Mirka Rantanen who got the idea from attending a children's music concert with his kids, in which he decided to form a children's metal band.

According to the fictional origin story of the band, five dinosaur eggs made from metal survived the mass extinction some 65 million years ago in the mountain of wizards. In the year 2009, witches gathered at the same place. A giant lightning bolt hit the ground and simultaneously created ash and revealed the eggs. From the power of the witches' chants, the eggs exploded and five Hevisaurus' hatched.

Non-metalhead: Metal sucks! It's too satanic and dangerous for children!
Metalhead: Um, you do realize that an actual kids' metal band exists right?
Non-metalhead: Really?
Metalhead: Yep. Hevisaurus (one of the most popular metal bands in Finland).
Non-metalhead: Oh. Well I guess it isn't so bad for them after all.

by Nordicdragon June 28, 2018