Source Code

Bruno Mars

If pure funk was a person.

Bruno Mars has a voice of silk and the height of a house elf.

by NotPieGuy August 20, 2022

Setup laugh

A fake laugh performed as set-up for a joke, sarcastic comment, or other form of spoken comedy/humor.

John performed a setup laugh for a joke about war when his friend, Sam, began a conversation about the sporadically-appearing eight-foot-tall screaming skinless corpse that kept showing up when he was eating cereal.

by NotPieGuy September 19, 2021

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Useless faggot

Oh, sorry, didn't see you there.

You are a useless faggot.

by NotPieGuy January 20, 2021

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Hat on a Goat

A good sample term for explaining arguments or debates youรขย€ย™ve had while avoiding potentially controversial topics and terms.

John: I had the worst debate with someone earlier, we were talking about transgenderism and-
Sam: No, dude, Hat on a Goat.
John: Right. So she thought that we should allow putting a hat on a goat. I was saying that thatรขย€ย™s crazy, putting a hat on a goat isnรขย€ย™t a good thing. Then she went full pissbaby mode and...

by NotPieGuy March 11, 2021

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Libertarian right.

The core libright beliefs are:
1. Government bad
2. Economy good

by NotPieGuy January 12, 2022

Nightmarish Hellscape

Also called, "Earth."

Earth is a Nightmarish Hellscape.

by NotPieGuy January 27, 2021

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The last thing Kobe Bryant ever heard.

Kobe Bryant: What does "FUEL LOW" mean?
Pilot: You're about to find out!

by NotPieGuy January 28, 2021

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