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The Voices

The voices in your head that tell you to do things.

The voices won't stop screaming

by NotPieGuy February 25, 2021

51👍 1👎

The United States

We got freedom, we got guns, and, despite what the inevitable negative like/dislike ratio on this definition may tell you, we still have our own culture.
God bless America.

John: God bless the United States.
Sam: Amen.

by NotPieGuy September 11, 2021

8👍 5👎

FNAF Timeline

The most ancient puzzle in history. Even older than time itself.

The FNAF Timeline is a mystery more perplexing than the existence of God.
-Albert Einstein

by NotPieGuy January 22, 2021

27👍 1👎

Put on the necklace

To kill oneself via hanging.

Johnny Test couldn’t cope with the circumstances and put on the necklace.

by NotPieGuy August 24, 2022


The feeling of mixed loss, anger, grief, and sadness experienced when an opportunity has been wasted.

John: I'm getting serious chanostalgia right now.
Sam: Why?
John: Jessie was going to slob my knob but gave up.
Sam: W...Why?
John: Dunkin Donuts :sob:

by NotPieGuy December 27, 2022


1. An extremely unbalanced system of power in which a group of people is being discriminated against; typically found in dictatorships such as Nazi Germany or North Korea. Examples of oppression include slavery in the United States, the Jewish genocide carried out by Adolf Hitler, and the treatment of every single person in Soviet Russia except for its leader. Oppression can have serious consequences, but, most importantly, it can lead to enormous suffering and immense loss of life. The truly disgusting things that oppression has lead to are to be learned from. Don’t live in the past, but learn from it.

2. Someone saying a mean word on the internet.

John: your dumb
Izzy, he/her, feminist, marxist, fuck capitalism, lgbt: OMG wtf!!! Reported! This is oppression!

Holocaust Survivor: It was horrible, Stevie. The way they treated us, in the camps. I remember, me and some fellow survivors were handed a rotting rat corpse. Its decaying flesh was green and all that was left on its bones were scraps of meat. We ate through it like wild animals. I remember, 3 weeks later, we were starving for that rat meat...
Stevie: Oh gosh, Papa! That’s horrific!

Holocaust Survivor: It really was oppression, and tyranny, evil even, in their purest forms.

by NotPieGuy January 19, 2021

33👍 12👎

Reddit atheist

One of the lowest, vilest, most despicable forms of life in the known universe. Reddit atheists are a subspecies of human that are believed to have genetically diverged around the beginning of 2008.
The population of Reddit atheists is growing, and is currently around 2.7 million. Reddit atheists have developed highly odd traits, such as: a tendency to consistently ridicule christianity, christians, make absurd claims about christianity and sometimes religion as a whole. Although Reddit atheists claim to simply be non-religious, it would be more apt to describe them as anti-christian, as (despite the fact that they claim to not allow religion to rule their life) it's the only thing they ever talk or think about.
When encountering a Reddit atheist, it is best to simply immediately leave to prevent any possible brain damage that may be incurred as a result of their activities, and remember to call animal control to have the beast handled by the proper authorities.

Reddit atheist: DiD yOu KnOw ThAt ReLiGiOn iS tHe sOuRcE oF aLL eViL??
Human: Yeah, sure man. Whatever you say.
Human (whispering to other human): Call the fucking cops before this thing burns down a church.

by NotPieGuy July 17, 2022

42👍 7👎