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Trhas is a female name used in Tigray. They are shy but the freakiest and they are good at what they do. They are kind and sweet. They are funny as hell . Trhas directly translated means let her me wet . Itรขย€ย™s a metaphor to mean let her bring abundance, luck and blessing.

Trhas is so hot. Trhas likes to take the lead.

by NubianQueen November 23, 2021

across the water

A phrase mostly used by people that stay in the 757 area in southeastern viginia. Across the water is used when a person is traveling via the tunnel or bridges to the southside or peninsula.

Boy: You tryna go to club?
Girl: Yea, how bout Mystique in the Beach
Boy: Hell naw! Thats across the water. Lets go to Vegas in the newz
Girl: Iight

by NubianQueen March 21, 2011

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