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A word to describe someone who was born 10 metres long, and if it weren't for the governments height regulation policy, would grow to be as tall as the Burj Khalifa. A Gizza is a recessive trait which not only affects one's height, but also increases charm and someone's ability to pick up ladies, specifically Lesbians.

Note: Gizza can only be a male

Guy: Wow look how tall he is
Guy 2: Yea, he's a Gizza!
Gizza: Stop calling me that

by NugDealer69420xx November 16, 2020


A secret secret codeword used by straight males or lesbian females to point out a woman’s large breasts. This is used when in a public space or too embarrassed to use the proper word.

Guy: Yo that chick over there has the best eyes
Guy 2: The fuck you mean?
Guy: That’s codeword for her tits

by NugDealer69420xx April 28, 2020


1) To spit bars like a raper
2) emnem

- Did you hear about the chick at the rape concert?
- Yea, the rape that night was so loud, that poor girl

Enmen: let’s have rape battle
Toyn Starch: I’m gonna rape u to death

by NugDealer69420xx March 13, 2022

Romanian Pool

A variation of pool, where your opponent will put his scrotum over the pocket, so if his opponent lands the shot, he is hit in the testicles with the full force of the shot.

Romanian #1: Romanian #3’s balls are swollen the size of tennis balls
Romanian #2: Damn, did you guys get into some Romanian pool last night?
Romanian #1: fuck yea

by NugDealer69420xx March 13, 2022