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rudine is She who Walks the Hallways.
rudine is She who Eats from the Ashtrays.
rudine is She who Stalks the Users.
rudine is She who brings The Fear.
rudine is She who stays the Terror.

rudine ruined everything

by Null April 5, 2005

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The act of bukkake between gingerbread men and woman.

Coined late in 2004 by an internet geek.

The gingerbread men all had a wonderful bukookie on the face of the gingerbread woman.

by Null December 8, 2004

33πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


a thousand dollars - they say it all the time in the Sopranos

I hit the jackpot in vegas and pulled in 25 large

by Null August 27, 2001

568πŸ‘ 495πŸ‘Ž


A Warrior how is brave and courage for how will become a fames person in future

it is Based on numerology value 2, Sowrya is Cooperative, Sensitive, Adaptive, Passive, Diplomatic, Peaceful, Warm, excellent partner, kind, balance, friendly, tactful and diplomatic. Below is some points about the name Sowrya based on numerology value

you are lucky to be a Sowrya

by Null March 11, 2022


used to define any of a set of ideas, actions, or terms that could be associated with that of Hitler or Nazis.

by Null January 29, 2003

29πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Hardstyle is a genre of EDM characterized by heavy bass and high BPM counts, typically in the range of 150. It lacks the fluidity of trance, which is the main characteristic that distinguishes it from hard trance. It sounds much like hardcore albeit at (relatively speaking) slower BPM counts.

Hardstyle is currently the music of choice in many European countries, especially Holland. Parties/raves that play hardstyle music include Qlimax, Q-Base (Q-Dance), and Sensation Black (ID&T).

Hardstyle DJs include Luna, Dana, Issac, Walt, Zany, Pavo, etc.
Example: Southstylers - E-Town

A: What's the name of the "I'll be your bitch" track that I just heard?
B: It's DJ Isaac - Backstage. Absolutely rockin hardstyle tune.

by Null October 24, 2004

780πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


The act of making a penis hard by rubbing your hands up and down the sides of the penis shaft in the same motion you would use to create a fire with a couple of sticks.

Also could be called a Fire Starter

Julie attempted to give Jerry a boner by performing a firestarter.

by Null February 9, 2004

47πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž