Source Code


To be cleaved/impaled by a sword, and at the same time speared by a arrow.

*Trogdor was SWARROWED by OldScroll!
Trogdor: Hax

by OLOL May 8, 2007

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


PTKFGS version of O RLY? Instead of an owl, it is a cat with a silly expression on its face, similar to the owl.

Like O RLY?, it is used in sarcasm or disbelief.

Response to R U SHUR? is SHUR M SHUR!, which is responded to with KENT B!

Joe: Boy, there are a lot of Wiitards.
Jack: R U SHUR?

Jack: Your cat is on fire.
Joe: R U SHUR?

by OLOL May 1, 2007

19πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

blood pressure

What is raised when idiots post on UD, or anywhere on the internet.

Even 4chan.

"...And in other news, national blood pressure is up due to a series of tube-related problems."

75 percent of UD descriptions make my blood pressure increase.

by OLOL August 20, 2007

21πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


See Steve Jobs, the dumbass who claims he's better than Windows OS and Linux.

Steve Jobs is a narcissistic prick who claims that his Mac is better when it's the same things as a PC except it can't play games. Dipshit.

by OLOL January 24, 2007

49πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž


Book that beats the shit out of Death Note. Story of a man who finds out that a lullaby he sung to his late son kills, and he and a friend try to keep it out of the hands of a psycho.

Lullaby beats the crap of Death Note... fuckin' weeaboos.

by OLOL September 6, 2007

15πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Liberal douchebag

People that give the Democratic party a bad name, they hate America whilst living in it. All parts of it, especially:

A) Soldiers
B) Corporations
C) Government

Despite having all three need a shitload of straightening up, yet necessary to the USA, Liberal Douchebags blame America for everything.

Nonsensical hippy-tard in Berkeley, Belmont, or Santa Cruz: AMERIKKKA SUCKS! FUCK THE TROOPS! ALL THEY DO IS ADVANCE THE FAT WALLETS OF KORPORATE SKUMMMM!! *burns an American flag*
Rational person: Shut the fuck up, liberal douchebag.

See author Dolphin_X for a good definition of a liberal douchebag.

by OLOL September 22, 2007

994πŸ‘ 758πŸ‘Ž

banstick whack

In message boards, when a person is banned, usually permabanned.

Moderator: Don't make me banstick whack you.

by OLOL January 23, 2007