Source Code

'The Dicky'

The definition of the word, 'The Dicky' - a cheeky, less offensive way of saying fucked or nailed or screwed. When referring to 'The Dicky' it always delivers the impact on the situation in a light hearted way. Never to be said when someone is moaning or anrgy, brings a whole new meaning to the word!!

Guy 1: What you doing tonight bud??
Guy 2: Just going to grab some food with the misses, go home, watch a movie....I might give her 'The Dicky' if she's lucky ;)

Girl: Oh your such a lovely guy and so polite
Guy: Hey with words like that you might be getting 'The Dicky' later ;)

by Ollyb July 1, 2013

6👍 1👎


When some thing is good but could be better.

I'm having a okayly day.

by Ollyb July 1, 2013


One of the 2.5 clubs in Durham, UK, Klute is the smallest sweatiest shit hole I have ever had the displeasure of visiting. Now exclusively for students, the music in Klute is always cheese, the students are always hammered, and the walls are always dripping with sweat.
Supposedly voted the second worst club in Europe in Sky magazine a few years back, it was then promoted to first place when t's rival in Belgium burnt down.

"Anyone going to klute?"

"No, it's shit."

by Ollyb June 25, 2005

64👍 37👎