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Biden nap

The 46th president of the United States's signature move. A quick ten second nap that restores all energy and focus.

Donald Trump: "We just lost the fucking round. I swear to God Joe if you're taking one of your fucking Biden naps again."

Joe Biden: "As a matter of fact I was taking a Biden nap. I'm about to carry your ass this next round."

by Onandonandomnom February 22, 2023

Fun detected

When Blizzard notices players having fun in unintentional ways such as using glitches or items, so they nuke the fuck out of it and leave players in the boring ass game they made.

Friend 1: "Hey can you still fly using Emerald Winds and the Goblin Glider Kit?"

Friend 2: "No, you know Blizzard, fun detected."

by Onandonandomnom April 14, 2021

Assignments has sent a message

When you hear that dreaded Microsoft Teams notification sound you know it's either your guidance councilor telling you your grades suck or it's another missing assignment

"Oh boy I can't wait to play with the boys!"

Assignments has sent a message

by Onandonandomnom April 14, 2021


A form of cheating in online strategy games where you join a game with multiple different accounts giving you a significant advantage.

"That guy was completely invaded on day 1 with no resistance, definitely multi-accounting."

by Onandonandomnom April 14, 2021

Bill Cosby

In a game, to be set unconscious and have your armor taken from you

He Bill Cosby'd me when I went offline

by Onandonandomnom October 30, 2018

Indefinite integral

When a girl is curvy but wears a C cup.

She bad, but she could be better, she's built like an indefinite integral.

by Onandonandomnom December 6, 2022

8👍 1👎

John Default

When in a game, a paid skin is so overused that it is no longer a signifier of a baseline of skill. Usually this happens due to either a skin's immense popularity, or the skin being commonly offered compared to other options.

Comes from when The Reaper in Fortnite was used by a third of every lobby, leading to no indication of skill when spotted, analogous to seeing a default.

"You see that guy? He was dog water and was using the John Wick."

"Yea, he was a real John Default."

by Onandonandomnom November 29, 2022