Source Code

Microsoft Autoupdating

Constant jizzle for a period longer than 24 hours

Mr. Schachter: "You ok bud?"

T-Dog: "Yeah man im just Microsoft Autoupdating right now that's why I have a fire-hose attached to my cock."

by One-Pump-Shotgun October 8, 2018

One Pump Shotgun

After pulling out of their sexual partner, the jizzer strokes their phallic member one time before unleashing the gates of cream onto their partners back.

"How was the sex?" "I did a One Pump Shotgun right onto her back man."

by One-Pump-Shotgun January 2, 2017

Newton's Third Law

Laying on your non-dominant side's hip, proceed to lube your entire hand. Next, shove entire right hand inside your anus. It is best to feel around a bit before proceeding to your left hand. Your left hand will firmly grasp your phallic member and fondle your throbbing shaft. With both of your hands in motion the force applied thus shall be performing Newton's Third Law.

Mr. Schachter: How was your night? You were screaming quite loud.

Reginald: 'Twas grand. I performed the Newton's Third Law and used an entire bottle of kY.

by One-Pump-Shotgun March 7, 2017

13👍 3👎

Green Bay Packer

The act of pulling back your foreskin before entry after not having cleaned it for over 2 weeks resulting in all of your dick cheese to be exposed. Forcefully insert said shmegma inside a hole and "pack" your dick cheese.

Mr. Schachter: "You haven't showered in two weeks man."

Rockford: "Yeah man been saving up my dick cheese so I can pull a Green Bay Packer on my girl tonight."

by One-Pump-Shotgun October 8, 2018

17👍 4👎


The act of fingering a random person's anus in a rotational motion imitating Mr. Schachter opening a bottle of mead.

Mr. Schachter: How was the sex?

Trevor: I opened a bottle of mead, poured it into her nipples, ate her nipples, then corkscrewed her ass.

by One-Pump-Shotgun March 13, 2017

12👍 2👎