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Heart (noun) typically used for crushing, breaking, or smashing. The word is also used in literary every song that has ever existed, and every song that will existed. It is almost always destroyed by someone who you care about but can also be destroyed by something called type 2 diabetes.

$teven: "yo you broke my heart yo"
@very: "why would you use yo twice in a sentence Steven"

by OrganDisplayer1912 January 23, 2021

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A game that ends as many friendships as it creates.

$teven,"I love minecraft"
@very," Steven, end your life"

by OrganDisplayer1912 April 29, 2021

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The sewer is backed up and there is feces everywhere

Please help the feces-urine mixture is raising (osha)

by OrganDisplayer1912 January 25, 2022

The Brown

The brown (noun). A poop shit. A big butt crap scat dookie dump. When you fill the ass crack with butt shit and it starts oozing out of the top of the ass butt crack near the pants and/or the bottom of the butt canyon near the taint area. Then you gotta get your taint licked to clean it off and it sucks butt hole poop scat shit crap feces excrement.

"I just filled someone's pants with the brown"

"I just filled my wife's mouth with the brown"

by OrganDisplayer1912 May 29, 2024


Adj; the name of a forty year old white woman who is into astrology, healing crystals, and most importantly, crystal methamphetamines. She typically has 4 metric tons of makeup on her face at any givin time, granting her the strongest neck muscles of any human to ever live.

Joe: "Hey Crystal"

Crystal: * high on every single drug ever *

by OrganDisplayer1912 November 11, 2021

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(Adjective) A woman between the ages of 18-34. They typically describe themselves as spiritual but not religious. They also love your dog more than you even though it has the lifespan of a raccoon with brain cancer. They typically think they are special compared to other girls, but in reality they are more average than a 30 year old white male in the United States.

"I'm not like other girls"-thot
"If you say that one more time I will put a .45 caliber bullet in your head"-30 year old white male in the United States

by OrganDisplayer1912 March 31, 2021

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To terribly disfigure plastic silverware. Typically done by a white boy named Nathan. His friends hate him for this; however, he still feels the need to show the horribly disfigured silverware to them, despite their rage and suffering.

Nathan: "yo look at this silverware"
Anderson: "Nathan, my disappointment in you is immeasurable and my day is ruined. I cannot believe you would disfigure this plastic silverware despite being a little white boy. You know the pain caused by this act. This is the last straw, we have been friends for many years and this is the 7th silverware that has been mangled so far. Do not contact me again."
Spench:"*dances with saxophone followed by an extensive explanation of star wars lore."

by OrganDisplayer1912 September 9, 2021

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