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Sus (Adjective) typically describes something the imposter is, or will be at some point. Once an imposter happens to be sus, there will be great excitement and perhaps an amogus

$tig:" Your so sus"
$hut: "you used the wrong your"

by OrganDisplayer1912 May 14, 2021

Ben Shapiro

Okay, now let's say hypothetically, you happened to be a dirty mean leftist. Then that would mean that you are destroyed. I destroy the left wing. You said abortion was okay, then I said your mom was gay.

Ben Shapiro:"Most people don't know this but my wife is a doctor"
Leftist:"Okay Ben Shapiro"

by OrganDisplayer1912 April 22, 2021

458👍 8750👎

🍪 cookie

A pastry that seems like a nice treat, but just don't feed it to your parrot.

$teven," I love 🍪 cookie"
@very," nobody asked"

by OrganDisplayer1912 April 29, 2021

5👍 1👎

Fish posting

A social media user that posts a photo or a fact about fish. Usually wholesome. Very fun and neat. I love fish posting.

User 1:"The longear sunfish has beautiful colors that include reds, orange, and teal. They usually eat insects and small fish."
User 2: you are fish posting.

by OrganDisplayer1912 April 24, 2023


Someone who has sex with somebody else

"Are you Lithuanian?"
"Stop asking me that"

by OrganDisplayer1912 April 19, 2021

15👍 12👎