Source Code

Corner shop

The shop where year 9s can get their vapes from without being ID’d. Most Corner shop Bossmans either don’t know that you need to be 18 or they don’t care that you are underaged.

**Year 9 goes to the corner shop**
Year 9: Wagwan Bossman. Let me just get a Blue Razz Lemonade Elfbar.

Bossman: Sure fam. That’ll be £5.00. Would you like a bag?
Year 9: Sure bossman.

Bossman: Will you be paying by cash or card?
**The year 9 knows that their parents can see all the transactions made on their bank account and their parents could possibly catch them buying vapes so the year 9 chooses to buy it with cash**
Year 9: I’ll be paying by cash, Bossman.

Bossman: Thank you. Have a nice day.

**the year 9 now uses the vape and makes sure to hide the vape in their underwear when they go back home so the parent can’t find it.**

by Oscar31782 October 18, 2023