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Blocker Bait

Blocker Bait is the friend you call to keep the Cock Blocker busy while you try to get laid.

"Can my fat cousin CeCe come with us tonight? She bored."
Uh-oh. Better find some Blocker Bait.

by Overdrive August 10, 2008

100πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Road Rage

Road Rage is a condition that is created when lazy, uninterested and/or overworked traffic cops let ignorant drivers operate their vehicles in an illegal and aggressive manner that irritates the drivers around them. The end result is Road Rage. Road Rage can result in anything from foul gestures to the offending asshole being shot.

Until the police increase the number of citations they issue to asshole drivers, Jagoffs in Las Vegas will continue to create more Road Rage.

by Overdrive February 25, 2006

312πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

That 70's Show

"That 70's Show" is a very funny sitcom that lets the world laugh at the loser, stoner, idiot morons that reside in Wisconsin.

Tonight on That 70's Show, the cast smokes reefer in Eric's basement.

by Overdrive October 19, 2006

275πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

Stars and Bars

A term describing the Confederate Flag. Usually seen at tractor pulls, on the front of Semi Tractors and in the rear window of Dodge pick up trucks that have no exhaust and over sized tires.

Fly the Stars and Bars with toothless pride!

by Overdrive November 7, 2005

193πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

Clit Eastwood

"Clit Eastwood" is a term I use to describe badass female police officers who feel they have to "take control" of a nonexistant situation.

Clit Eastwood keeps her hand on her sidearm while breaking my stones about my dirty license plate.

by Overdrive December 1, 2005

376πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Spike Lee

Spike made a movie named "Do the Right Thing".
The movie had a message. The message was that if you do not get what you want from people, you should attack them. Violence is an appropriate response to frustration.

That dude won't let you cut in line?
Let's Spike Lee his ass!

by Overdrive October 26, 2005

612πŸ‘ 710πŸ‘Ž


A "FIBWAB" is a term used by a "cheesehead" that means "Fucking Illinois Bastard- With A Boat". Wisconsin would have the economy of a third world nation without the money people from Illinois spend beyond the Cheddar Curtain each year.

Note to all cheeseheads: By 2018, people from Illinois will own more lakefront property in Wisconsin than locals. It is too late to close the border. FIBWAB in your mirror? Lead, follow or get the fuck out of the way!

by Overdrive August 28, 2006

125πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž