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Asshole bomb

When you produce large amounts of horse shit in your body and you canҀ™t make it to the bathroom so your asshole explodes and shit goes on the wall

Wow katie had an asshole bomb the other day

by PBI69420 February 27, 2021

Absolute perfection

the best girl to ever come into my life and she is so amazing and I truly knew what love us when I met her

Isas absolute perfection

by PBI69420 February 27, 2021

Vagina stretch

When you fuck dat v so hard that you can fit your whole leg inside of it

I have Brittney a nice vagina stretch

by PBI69420 March 19, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Oink oink

When ur eating ass while the girl is shitting so ur eating her shit like a pig eating mud

Yo u oink oink with ur girl that nasty bro

by PBI69420 February 27, 2021

3πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Peepee explosion

When there is so much cum in ur cock that it self destructs

Wally had a Peepee explosion

by PBI69420 March 19, 2020

Penis sniper

When u shoot ur sperm from 8ft across the room into ur partners mouth

I just used my penis sniper on my girl

by PBI69420 February 27, 2021