Source Code

Moana lisa

When you have unprotected sex with Mona Lisa

Not sure what to describe here (Moana Lisa)

by PandaJizz42 June 21, 2023

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tune A Loon

A sex act when someone shoves 2 loonies up your ass or vagina

Jerry: MOMMY I MISSED THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!! Mom: itҀ™s ok son, can I use those loonies for a Tune A Loon?

by PandaJizz42 June 21, 2023

My Fat Ugly Gross Disgusting Despicable Delectable Suckulent Fuckulent juicy tender balls that smoother cares your check as the hairs do a little tickle you fuck

Juicy-er than fried chicken

Hey how about I tell you about My Fat Ugly Gross Disgusting Despicable Delectable Suckulent Fuckulent juicy tender balls that smoother cares your check as the hairs do a little tickle you fuck

by PandaJizz42 November 4, 2023

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž