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Last name of an intellectual that should be a maker for his country.

Mr. Bragg was supposed to be a maker for his country Because he studied Bragg's law (which may be a true law) but got conned by immature people.

by Paradamno September 29, 2021

Ruffalo a womb

To rape a fertile matured female before the man is done maturing, thus implanting a deformed fetus in her womb. Or to break a gun made by a professional Bragg maker.

Mr. Ruffalo raped a matured girl before his semen was ready because he was 9 and now her womb is Ruffaload with a deformed baby that has to be removed from her with tongs and Disney World will attack because they don't know that she had 2 Different impregnaters in one day. One had good semen and gave her 2 healthy babies. He also Ruffaload her gun so the poor girl couldn't defend herself from transexuals, either. But in the end, Mr. Ruffalo got illegally savaged on an Egyptian pyramid so everybody feels sad for him even though he really knew how to Ruffalo a womb.

by Paradamno September 29, 2021

Sue on a bet

Catholic form of manipulation. Typically means someone gets poisoned, then threatened into committing a crime, then poisoned again. To sue on a bet is a fallacy In court yet they still do it.

Catholic child: I bet so-and-so will say "Mambo number five" to NASA.

Catholic child's mother: sue so-and-so on a bet. (I.e. poison her then threaten her with molestation into saying "mambo number five" to NASA then falsley imitate her. ) and that is how to sue on a bet.

by Paradamno September 30, 2021