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The beleif that there is no "higher power" or god.

The best religous beleif in which there are no dumb rules and our lives don't revolve some book.

I am athiest but i'm not a hater and respect others beleifs. i also am humane . Murder is wrong. No matter what.

"Are you going to church this Sunday"?

No, I'm an athiest.
I'm not gonna waste my time with that holyshit!

by PartyGuy November 30, 2007

49👍 102👎


Very,very, very talented.

"Wow the drummer from that that band InEyesofRuin is insane!!!

by PartyGuy November 27, 2007

343👍 152👎


A person who only focuses on some parts of ther life and has no social life, no friends;a loser, or somewone that has a negative diffrence; an outcast.

"Those student from the math and science academy is an offy"
loser, outcast, alsoran{nerd geek

by PartyGuy November 28, 2007

34👍 34👎