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Central festival

Central Festival is a place where the lankiest teenagers go to fight, do drugs, and sneak into movies to get laid, it is also known for its famous handicap bathrooms where most teenagers from Pattaya have lost their virginity. Watch out for the movie couches tho! you could be sitting on a cum stain!

lanky lad1: yo bro u wanna go to central festival?

lanky lad2: is there a fight?

lanky lad 1: yea maoileo is getting jumped again

lanky lad2: I'm on my way

by Pattaya101 November 23, 2021

Central escalator

the central escalator is one of the newly famous lanky teenage attractions, where teens go under the escalator to do LG, smoke weed, vape, makeout, write on the escalator and many more fun things lanky Pattaya kids do these days, you have probably been under there and saw drawings of dicks, pussies, Instagram @'s, and Pattaya's personal favourite, people writing about how much maoileo is a dickhead.

Lanky lad1: yo bro wanna go get high?

Lanky lad2: ayt bet lets go under the central escalator

Lanky lad1: bro i wanna get high, not make out

by Pattaya101 November 23, 2021