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The act of orally stimulating the clitoris shortly after consuming spicy food.

Jim: Steve you shouldn't have had those extra spicy chilli hot wings!

Steve: Why? Your mum loves Cunninstingus.

by Peak_in_Banter July 5, 2011

92👍 5👎


After excessive sexual stimulation via the Cunninstingus approach the female sex organs may become numb and/or unresponsive.

Tony: I was at it for hours! How didn't you cum!?
Jenni: I think it was those spicy tacos you had for lunch..
Tony: Damn, stunninglingus?

by Peak_in_Banter July 5, 2011

80👍 11👎


When banter is of a whole new level that only certain words can explain it. Jokes may be said to be 'peak' when they are borderline taboo but still cause serious laughter. Any other words that have a similar meaning to peak suck as tip, summit, apogee and brink may also be used to avoid repetition.

Jimmy: Wow that joke is pretty harsh!
Tom: Hahaha!
Jimmy: Yeah who am i kidding? That was peak! WAL!

by Peak_in_Banter July 5, 2011

402👍 304👎