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A little word that creeps in in all kind of places where it doesn't belong.An easy way of trivialising something without having to justify the trivialisation, and often without the hearer even realising what is happening.

Its just psychosomatic.
I know he beats her up but he's just insecure.

by Pedanta June 26, 2004

123👍 85👎


Biological:A territory where males (esp birds) show off their plumage and strut their stuff in the mating season; Human:a territory (especially an outdoor one) where groups of young people hang out for this purpose, eg local shopping mall, Brighton seafront etc.
Also verb to lek, ie to attend such see-and-be-seen gathering

How was the lek?
You lekkin' tonight?

by Pedanta May 19, 2006

20👍 14👎


A universal "tag question" to replace all the others (isn't it, doesn't it, wasn't it, weren't they, aren't we wouldn't you, etc) and about bloody time too! While the French have n'est-ce pas and the Germans nicht wahr, we have all these different tags that make English that much more difficult to learn as a second language. What a pity it has been stigmatised by the antichav brigade ie a bunch of snobs with a trendy new hat for their class prejudices.

Be good if there was just one universal tag question innit

by Pedanta May 19, 2006

84👍 42👎