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The act of making ridiculous exaggerations about yourself to impress others and/or one-up them.

Bill: I drank about 14 beers last night.

Joe: Ya, last night I drank 40 beers.

Steve: Man, you just got sutered.

by Peg Leg Pete July 11, 2008

106πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

dodo smack

The act of slapping some dirty tramp across the face with a powerful penis thrust
(Pretty much the same as a mushroom stamp, but without the stamp).
If completed successfully, it will knock the bitch out 7 times out of 10.

Last night Debbie was being a complete twatmunch, so I dodo smacked that bitch and she was out for a good 2 and a half hours.

by Peg Leg Pete October 15, 2007

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An exclamation used after you have beaten some worthless bitch to a bloody pult. Usually accompanied by a spray of saliva going all over the well-deserving victims face.

After twerking Joey in Halo 3, Peter exclaimed proudly, "Get Sick!"

by Peg Leg Pete October 13, 2007

3πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a phrase that when said rapidly with a in the form of a grade school principal can either sound like poop your pants or pull up your pants.

Student: Yo dawg, fo rizzle, it was off da chain.

Principal: Young man, poopyapants.

Student: Sorry sir.

by Peg Leg Pete June 22, 2008

bitch betta' recognize

what you tell some disrespectful twat who needs put in their place. It is most effective if while saying it you raise your hand in a threatening motion as to put 4 fingers across the side of the persons face.

Pat - "go get me a hamburger fuck stick"

Sally - "no"

Pat - "Bitch betta' recognize"

by Peg Leg Pete October 16, 2007

27πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


code name for beer popular among underage drinkers.

"you got any gizmos?"

"you bet your ass I do"

by Peg Leg Pete October 16, 2007

12πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A reference to a homosexual person. Derived from the fact that many of the historical poets were actually gay, and many of the modern ones are too.

Is he wearing a pink polo with the collar popped? What a poet!

by Peg Leg Pete May 6, 2008

10πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž