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Saliva can be used as lubricant, for example a woman can spit on her fingers to lubricate her vagina. It should be renewed more often than a real lubricant since it gets dry faster. Lubricating correctly a pussy can prevent breaking a condom, even if the condom comes lubricated.
If the woman / man is not your official (monogamous) partner, it is safer to use your own saliva to lubricate your pussy or cock that is not protected with a condom, since there is a small risk of STI.
If you are not with your official partner, French kiss / deep kiss with exchange of saliva should be avoided, as well a unprotected blowjob or pussy licking, which also adds a risk of STI.

Let's add some saliva to lubricate your pussy!

by Find a Wingman January 3, 2020

77๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


the semen of ghosts that is constantly ejaculated into all of our mouths

"dan always has a lot of saliva, because ghosts are always jizzing into his mouth"

by micer March 2, 2020

21๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Mexican herb used in religious and spiritual cerimonies that can be used as a hallucinogen. It is not yet illegal, and mirrors the effects of LSD.

kid 1: Dude, I smoked a shitload of Saliva last night, it was wicked.
kid 2: Dude, why didn't you invite me?

by legalize it May 14, 2005

119๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž


(spanish for drool) when one is soooo drunk, drool starts dripping from your mouth. Usually falling... accompanied by annoying behavior.

went to vegas on new years eve and saw a bunch of salivas

by raul garcia October 14, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


woman juice used to lube the cock for head

spit some saliva on my tool and get back to work

by Aaron December 8, 2003

193๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spit/spittle/drool/slobber Not to be confused with salvia, a psychoactive drug.

1. Chewing produces saliva which helps fight plaque and bacteria.

Kid 1: Dude, I smoked a load of saliva last night, it was wicked.

Kid 2: Err, do you mean salvia?

by boffy_b December 6, 2006

123๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


A kick ass band. They made songs like Click click boom and Lackluster. They are probably the best nu-metal band out there.

Saliva fucking rules.

by Blahb March 14, 2005

168๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž