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uncle samantha

Uncle Samantha is the new description for males turning transgender.

Uncle Sam said “I want you”.Sam took it literal and went Uncle Samantha..

by Petesbeeps May 27, 2018

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Definitely not of stupendous wealth such as Trump. A person that might purchase generic beer, toilet paper. Very frugal , but is financially secure.

That guy worships Trump as president, but is such a Trumpmiser. He has is loaded, but lives in his Moms basement.

by Petesbeeps June 7, 2017

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Trump defines the news cycle..As the media follows behind, playing catch up.

Another Trumpcycle performance was made as Trump gave his speech, with a few jabs here and there.. Making headlines, creating diversions, and baffling most politicians and pundits.

by Petesbeeps October 11, 2017

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Bone broth fever

The cravings one gets after having bone broth for 2 consecutive days also accompanied with jitters, lack of concentration, stiffness in the forarms and wrist. Blurried vision and seclusion for brief periods of the day

I'm not sure where Richard is..I told my boss.,he keeps leaving the register. I do recall he has signs of bone broth fever though. He's been on that new diet, miracle cure he claims.

by Petesbeeps July 15, 2017

Concave reflex

After a relationship break up, there is a caving in between the two, mend the relationship, find a solution with arguments, texts, photos, videos, swearing, leverage, until they get together. Repeating the cycle.

Margaret is having concave reflex, she just broke up with Raphael, and now she is calling him constantly.. Poor thing..

by Petesbeeps September 21, 2017

ample gratitudes

When you're girlfriend is drunk, locked the doors and you have plenty of smokes and beer.

I have ample gratitudes cuz I was prepared.... knew she was gonna lock the door.

by Petesbeeps August 27, 2017

Low power mode

Your phone is about to die, you're drunk, you've pissed off your girlfriend, it's bar close and all your friends have left you. Possibly in rare occasions you may have skid marks in your underwear

There was this time yesterday I vaguely recall, I was in low power mode. I definitely had all the symptoms of the description, but that was just Friday night.

by Petesbeeps July 16, 2017

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