Source Code

bondo bucket

An old car on which the body is largely composed of fiberglass body filler (bondo).

Larry really thinks that bondo bucket is a cool ride.

by Peugeotjoker May 20, 2005

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Red on the outside, white on the inside. A pejorative term used by Native Americans towards other Native Americans accused of "acting white," which would include such things as excelling in school, getting and holding a job, staying out jail, not drinking & drugging, and behaving appropriately in daily interactions with people of other races. Similar to the use of Oreo by African Americans.

That Native kid takes so much crap at home because he's getting A's and B's in school. His whole family thinks he's an apple.

by Peugeotjoker May 20, 2005

713πŸ‘ 336πŸ‘Ž

neil diamond

A pop singer/songwriter who had his 15 seconds of fame but whose career has now entered a downward spiral of kitschy, over the top, self parody. His slavish fans continue to attest to his awsomeness and are deserving of pity.

I can't believe Angie and Lloyd shelled out 75 bucks apiece for Neil Diamond tickets. What a pair of pathetic dweebs.

by Peugeotjoker May 20, 2005

15πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

barney fife

An inexperienced or imcompetent police officer, more likely to be found on a small town police force or rural sheriff's department than in a big city. Derived from a character played by Don Knotts on the old Andy Griffith show.

That hayseed deputy who pulled me over last week was a real barney fife.

by Peugeotjoker May 20, 2005

91πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Harley yuppy

A suburban middle management type who buys a shiny new Harley Davidson to ride on the weekends, while togged out in pristine leathers. Thinks he is cool but is really just a pretentious brand name status seeker. The bike is usually in the garage next to the minivan and the trailer with the jet skis.

Did you see what Lloyd has in his garage? I always knew he was a Harley yuppy.

by Peugeotjoker May 20, 2005

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Among Native Americans, a common term for hooking up.

We found Richie and Janet snagging in the back of his pickup outside the bar last night.

by Peugeotjoker September 15, 2006

156πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Among Native Americans, an after pow wow party featuring socializing with booze, drugs and snagging.

Buck got so wasted at the 49 last night that he passed out in the back of his pickup.

by Peugeotjoker September 15, 2006

303πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž