Source Code

Mega Man X

Mega Man X (known as Rockman X in
Japan) is the final creation of Dr. Thomas
Light, built in the year 20XX, and sealed
away underground in Light's lab so that
his systems could be tested for any
imperfections. It should be noted that
Mega Man X is NOT the same robot as
the original Mega Man, they are in fact
two separate robots, with X being an
entirely different project from the original
Mega Man. X is the first of his kind, a
robot which can think, feel, and make his
own decisions; the same as any human,
without any special programming to
dictate his purpose or function. His name,
X, is symbolically the same as the
variable X, and is named so for the ability
to anything he wants in life with no
restrictions. This freedom has great
potential for good as well as bad. To make
sure X would wake up to the world a good
person, Light sealed him away in a
capsule for at least 30 years in order to
test his systems. However, X wound up
being tested for over 100 years, waking
up in the year 21XX, after being
discovered by archaeologist, Dr. Cain. His
specifications were used as a template to
create an entire series of robots by Dr.
Cain, who felt X's designs would be to
beneficial to mankind to be left alone.
These robots became reploids, which
seems to be short-hand for replicated
android. X's profession is that of a
Maverick Hunter, a special task force
designed to stop criminal reploids, deemed too
dangerous for humans to encounter.

Mega Man X may be a crybaby pacifist to some, but a BADASS TO ALL!!

by PhantomGeminiThief April 30, 2019