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deadbeat dad

A man who is totally incompetant in raising a child to be grown up fully potentialed, and fullhearted. Deadbeat dads find some sort of energy in commiting one or all of the 7 deadly sins. Mongrels such as these should fire in the pits of Hell and suck on rectum for aslong as they shall live when calling themselves, "The Honorable Parent".

My dad slams a woman ONCE unbridaled, is willing to pay the abortion fees to kill the non-existant child, lives in a seperate town for more then half her life not talking to her, comes to visit whenever the hell he feels like it, barely pays child support each month, kisses her on the head and calls himself, "The Greatest Father In The Universe".

by Phatal July 11, 2003

109πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


The 7th sense. A rare ability to detect one's own percentage of gayness. See also gh3yz0r.

The man with hot pink eyeliner wore an orange and purple spotted shirt and white capris that were alittle to tight at his sister's wedding. The gaydar in little Tina's mind did an Ollie.

by Phatal August 4, 2003

17πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Something that can be proved as beneficial or relavent. But nothing is true on this earth.

Everything is a lie, no matter what Wal*mart tells you.

And if you do know the truth, you are either..

A.) God

B.) George W Bush

or C.) Yo momma.

The truth is out there, but I forgot the URL.

by Phatal August 30, 2003

15πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

commie sauce

The change from Communism into the Russia's sauce because some fucker from in the system thought it was...

A.) A smart idea, that only they would think of.
B.) Or a way to give a hobo on thier government steps a good laugh.

Guy: How 'bout we prove our supreme knowledge and try make Russia look like fuckfaces at the same time?!!
Secretary: Wouldn't that be hard? After all you're sloshed, dude!

President: THE NEW Commie sauce! In a local brand-market near you! Try it and you can almost TASTE how fucking dumb our congress is!!

by Phatal May 24, 2003

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Overly funny; something humorus said that takes you on a laugh-your-ass-off thrill ride. Or what only sounds clever, and your just laughing because you have no clue as to what is going on.

Amy: "...And like then, my girlfriend says, 'Like sure, but ice cream melts faster!' And it was all, like, TOTAALY FUNNAY!"
Gretchin: "Uh....Oh. LOLLERCOASTER!"

by Phatal October 11, 2003

62πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


What our minds once were until fire became a fun thing.

I'm a PBS mind, in an MTV world.

by Phatal July 12, 2003

96πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Gimme a kiss!

For the love of Christ, do you really need a definition for this?

The guy asked the Hooter's waitress for a kiss. He went home with another hole in his ass.

by Phatal August 4, 2003

53πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž