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cool, aiite, alright. a word used when asked how someone is doing or an opinion of someone.

1."wag1 bro"
"im kajj"
2."what you think of dave?"
"hes kajj"

by Pietro March 23, 2005

64πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A variation of "safe", a combination of "safe" and "ting" whilst even furtherly urbanising the word "safe" to "shayf". mostly used as a means of gratitude and a hello and goodbye greeting.

1)"heres dat bashment choon u wanted"
"aaah shayfting"

2)"aitey... im off yh"
"aite man, shayfting"

by Pietro June 30, 2006

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Being ignored by someone when making a statement or asking a question. Also known as blanked and turfed.

Person 1: Did u watch ** last nite?
Person 2:......
Person 3: O no u got aired!

by Pietro February 9, 2005

792πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


Popeye's tall old wife!

Tall, white, black hair???

by Pietro February 5, 2005

105πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


Jamaican term for "do it".

"Lard God! If di coacoa buttah cyant dweet, mi cyant help yuh mi frend! Jesas Christ!"

by Pietro July 6, 2006

423πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž

mama mia

A phrase which is used when stereotyping an Italian.

"Mama mia! Dassa spiicy meataball!"

by Pietro February 5, 2005

201πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


Jamican slang term to prop something up or to rest or stay somewhere. The actual urban slang term comes from Jamaican patios and not French although that may be its original origin.

"Come we cotch here"

by Pietro February 9, 2005

789πŸ‘ 197πŸ‘Ž