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Martial Autist

An evolved form that a high functioning autistic person obtains when they are shown TMNT, Naruto, Kung Fu Panda, or Dragon Ball.
After learning the combat style of which ever cartoon/anime they were shown, they will immediately go and beat the shit out of all the school bullies.

Martial Autists are extremely deadly, armed or unarmed. You'll be much better off avoiding any fights with them

by Pokedex #184 February 4, 2020


The reason the Swagger Clause exists in competitive Pokemon matches.
It is a Steel/Fairy type Gen 6 Pokemon that looks like a key ring. It is #707 on the National Pokedex. It can have the ability Prankster (Gives priority to status moves) or its hidden ability, Magician (steals held item of a Pokemon it attacks)

Guy 1: Why can't I use Swagger in Uber format?
Guy 2: Blame Klefki. It can use it to make the target hit themselves 50% of the time with +1 Attack to hurt themselves with more damage. With Thunder Wave, it can make the target unable to move at all another 50% of the time. If Evasion Clause wasn't a thing, It could use Double Team to make itself even harder to hit.
Guy 1: Gee, I can't imagine getting my ass swept by that key.

by Pokedex #184 August 19, 2017

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Three Magnemite glued together yet weigh ten times that of a single Magnemite

What? Magnemite is evolving?
Congratulations! Your Magnemite evolved into Magneton

by Pokedex #184 November 4, 2017

Nigga Technology

Anything that doesn't plug into a printer; technology for niggas.
Don't start trippin' calling me a racist, I don't mean nigga in a disrespectful way, I mean it as a general term for an ignorant motherfucker. Anybody of any race can be an ignorant motherfucker

All nigga technology does is let dumb niggas talk to other dumb niggas about dumb nigga shit.

by Pokedex #184 April 10, 2018

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A place where you get sent to be fucked in the ass by a large black man as punishment for being convicted of a crime.

Cop: You're going to prison.
Random Bystander: Don't drop the soap!
Criminal: Nooooooooo!!

by Pokedex #184 October 14, 2017

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


An inferior search engine to Google. The only plus to using Bing is being able to find porn much more easily than Google Images with SafeSearch off.

Guy 1: Know any porn sites I can check out?
Guy 2: Just turn off SafeSearch on Bing when searching anything under images. You don't have to scroll at all to find some.
Guy 1: Eww no, I'll just use Google.
Guy 2: Whatever.

by Pokedex #184 June 27, 2018

Gamer girl

A complete joke; girls don't play video games. They are usually in the kitchen doing whatever the hell females do.

Gamer Girl: I need a weapon
Every guy in "her" team: *Rushes to "her" and drops as many guns as they can*

by Pokedex #184 October 12, 2017

18πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž