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someone who doesn’t have a gun or another weapon on them. opposite of armed

The victim was unarmed at the time of the murder

by nlolhere June 25, 2020

22πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


People with no weapon.

Oh no, they shot the unarmed woman!

by Boiineedsomemilk March 15, 2017

Unarmed Robbery

A rare feat when a person with no arms robs a bank. Usually commited by that cool guy with no arms on the USA Archery Team.

Robber: Gimme all your money!
Teller: lolomgwtfbbq! You have no arms! How could YOU rob us?
*robber shoots teller (pulls the trigger with his eyelid)*
Robber: Like that.
*robber gets away*

This is an unarmed robbery at it's finest.

by Beerparty October 17, 2012

37πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Unarmed Combat

a joke halloween weapon for the scout class from tf2 it has the same stats as the holy mackerel but it is a spys decaying hand

scout: uses Unarmed Combat
the spy: descusted face

by sniper nate October 27, 2020