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This name is originally Greek. Zenobea usually likes to be called Zenny instead. She is funky. Always wearing something cool and different. She is a fighter and a talker and always stands up for what is right. She is not afraid to stand up for herself or her friends and family. Zenny doesn’t like loads of attention, she likes her privacy, although, she loves to be out and about. She is a lover of music, especially The Beatles and anything from The 80’s. Her ambition is to see the world and challenge herself! She is tall with ginger/brown shoulder length hair and a fringe. Her hazel eyes draw you in, she is the perfect room mate! (Because you can steel all her awesome outfits) she believes everyone is equal but unique in some way after all! A strong believer in ‘if everyone was the same, the world would be boring’. Zenobea has a great, upbeat attitude but she is also very empathetic and understanding, she always wants to help. Overall, a lovely person! Perfect for the host of a Friday night party!

‘Who’s that? She is awesome!!’

‘That’s zenobea, duh!’

by Pollypoopoo February 8, 2018


A- amazing

B- beautiful

I- Idolised

Abi is the kind of girl you have to be friends with, times with her are the best because she can never stop making you laugh! She is fun to tease but after a while you will know to stop because even though she is small, she is fiesty! Abi will not put up with anything stupid! Her conversations are the best because you can talk forever with her, and about anything. She is so bright and smart, but she is not patient, she will probably end up freaking out at some point in your friendship, that ofcourse does mean YOU have to have a lot of patience. She is gorgeous but she doesn’t know it and she keeps her self consciousness to herself, although everyone tells her how pretty she is! Abi is understanding and sweet, she may come off as rude when you first meet her but she means nothing by it. Abi is organised and everything has to be perfectly layed out or she WILL notice. She is so cheeky but you wouldn’t be Abi otherwise! Overall, Abi is the kind of girl you want to have in your life, ALWAYS!

‘She is hilarious, I want to hang out with her all the time!’

‘That’s because she’s an Abi’

by Pollypoopoo February 8, 2018

65👍 11👎