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Mentally disabled retards from Twitter. They spend all their time on Twitter looking for problems in things that aren't problematic or problems in fiction while totally ignoring the actual real world issues as if they don't exist. They pretend as if they are allowed to speak for other people especially people that are of a difference race to them. They like to project their twisted mentalities onto other people as if everyone's the same as them and ignore everyone who calls them out. They hate men and like to virtue signal at everyone and everything. They practice cancel culture and are the ultimate form of culture. They also have zero sense of humor. There's very little difference between a twittard and a SJW.

Those twittards are at it again, canceling stuff.
Oh no, which fictional character are those twittards canceling again.

by PomuHub September 7, 2021

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A Saberface or an Artoriaface is a character that has the same or similar face to Saber(Artoria) from Type-Moon's Fate/Stay Night.

How many Saberfaces are there?
There's a shit ton of Saberfaces.
Modred, Jeanne D'Arc, Nero, Okira, Lakshmibai and Gray are all Saberfaces.

by PomuHub September 7, 2021

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A speaking donkey

Why is he stupid? Because he's an anti-vaxxer.

by PomuHub September 7, 2021

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A unit of time which equals to 2 hours
1 Shion = 2 hrs

That brat is late to her stream by 1 Shion

by PomuHub September 7, 2021

Flat Earther

A smooth brain person who thinks they know more than scientist who devoted their lifetime and billions of dollars into research, just because they watch a Youtube video or read a Facebook article.

Flat earther? More like Flat brainer.

by PomuHub September 7, 2021

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Youngboy pfp

Scientific name: Youngboyus Profilepicturam

A species of creatures that can commonly be found mostly on Twitter.

Their common features include having a picture of NBA Youngboy as their profile picture, and failed ratios, and profile Bios that say Ls taken: 0/ No Ls taken, Block/Ratio/Mad Reply = I own you, Times I've been ratio'd: 0, YB better, not a troll, ____ years young and etc. The common sounds they like to make are Youngboy better, It's an L, It's a W or some sort of variations of those lines.

When encountering one in the wild, your best defense against them would be to ignore them as they strive off attention.

Youngboy pfp: L + Youngboy better
Normal person: What's wrong with this guy
2nd Normal person: Oh just ignore it. That's a Youngboy pfp. They're always like that.

by PomuHub June 7, 2022

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The android with the nicest ass in all of fictional and real history

2B's ass has more than 300k polygons, which is more than all of Ocarina of Time.

by PomuHub September 7, 2021

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