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~used to add additional power to a existing insult.

~used to create personal insult websites in conjunction with 1-800.

"Why don't you play hide and go fuckyourself.com"

"hey, i found a new website: 1-800yourabigfaggot.com"

by Potato April 24, 2005

96👍 74👎


A 'wordnoob/word'. Someone who is new to something and asks the already answered questions.
Usually people who are arrogant/condecending use it to describe thse 'noobs'.
I would be a skroop if I managed to stuff up the 'word' tags above.

"How do I do this (where 'this' is a common task relating to a particular field)?"
"Pfft. You skroop! This is how!"

by Potato July 29, 2003

3👍 1👎

no farb

a word with no meaning, similar to boog but more passive in connotation.

no farb?

by Potato May 7, 2003

4👍 3👎


A spic from Jersey.

The guys fertilizing my lawn are Littlewing's.

by Potato November 19, 2003

3👍 5👎


to be lacking in style, cleanliness, personality, or appearance

fuck ms brill, that bitch is strugglin

sonnnnnnn, that pussy is strugglin. you dont even know son

by Potato January 12, 2005

19👍 9👎


to be hurting or yearning for something to do, fuck, drink, smoke or just overall make oneself happy

Tariq: there is nothing to do son
Me: you're strugglin

after remaining abstinent for 3 months, I realized I was in the struggle

by Potato January 11, 2005

21👍 13👎