Source Code

Dog Pound

Refers to either the weekend or a club in streatham

Bruv u goin Dog pound on Dog Pound

by Psalms April 29, 2008

9👍 22👎


A model KKK dummy, used to deter black people from trespassing on white man's property

Chaz: I bought myself this scarenigga
Faz: Wot does it do?
Chaz: It's like a scarecrow but it's a scarenigga....do u kno wot it does? It scares niggas

by Psalms April 29, 2008

7👍 9👎


This is to be badly humiliated usually in front of a large crowd

Mike Saad got banged by Gunjal....Deep Muggage

by Psalms April 29, 2008

20👍 2👎


A derogatory term for someone of pakistani or arabian decent

Eh...did you know Ruan's dad is gay?
Isit? who's Ruan?
That stupid Jo-dack

by Psalms April 29, 2008

15👍 3👎