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spousal unit

Good generic term for your husband, wife or partner, especially when you don't want to mention a specific name in your blog or novel (or you can't remember.)

My spousal unit is really annoying today.

by PsychoPuppyDad January 5, 2008

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A no-sleeper is the corporate equivalent to a no-hitter - a presentation in which nobody dozes off.

Kurt had a no-sleeper going until he got to the financing options slides - then he lost it. Badly.

by PsychoPuppyDad August 1, 2014

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fitbit Amnesia

All the walking, jogging and miscellaneous exercise done while your Fitbit is off, recharging. It doesn't matter how much you complain, your friends will never believe you. This seems to happen at least once a week.

"I walked eight full laps around the mall yesterday, but I was suffering from Fitbit Amnesia, so it looks like I only walked 42 steps."

by PsychoPuppyDad July 11, 2016

Catholic Poop

A Catholic Poop is a poop so vile-smelling that your roommate or Spousal Unit is forced to light a candle to try to counteract the odor.

Wow! Light the candles and say a novena! That was one nasty Catholic Poop!

by PsychoPuppyDad December 12, 2010

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Bossywork is busywork specifically designed to make your boss look less ignorant about his job. It consists of producing pages of documentation to explain the obvious or prove negatives (the product didn't change, so we don't need new education.) Much of bossywork consists of building slide decks from portions of other slide decks, since no manager can be expected to read more than one deck per day.

I have to get this bossywork done before the design committee meets since my boss is the committee chair. Hopefully, after that, I can get some real work done.

by PsychoPuppyDad October 3, 2011

Four-legged Rake

A four-legged rake is a dog that insists on rolling in fresh-cut grass or piles of dead leaves, just for the sheer joy of carrying them into the house with him. Once, the leaves are on your floor or furniture, they become yard dandruff.

My Chihuahua is a four-legged rake. He just brought in half the lawn.

by PsychoPuppyDad October 15, 2015

copious spare time

The amount of time left in a day that is completely booked, which is to say, none.

Well, I have three finals today, a baseball game this afternoon and a date this evening, so I'd be happy to read your psych paper in my copious spare time.

by PsychoPuppyDad May 29, 2011

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