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pseudo-TAWOG art style

An inconsistency in an art style that is not considered to have a different logic, and is treated as if it has the same art style as the other parts of an artwork. Usually happens when the artist loves cute art but for some reason, they're forced to draw realistically, usually the humans (usually because the community expects someone to draw realistically instead of simple art styles, or having afraid of being ashamed just because they draw cartoony, or for art / art portfolio showcase, or a combination of these)

TAWOG logic: having different art styles and each art style works consistently in a 3D, realistic world (sometimes pre-rendered realistic world backgrounds), with their characteristics. This can also apply when a cartoon shows a strong expression that the face becomes realistic for a short time or a real photo

TAWOG logic but pseudo: the animals are cartoony and the humans are realistic, but they seem as if both are realistic and have no differences in logic. Only we the audience can see them having different art styles. An exception when the humans came from games/cartoons/etc where they're not realistically drawn and they're put in artwork with this kind of art style, collab/fanart human characters are seen as if they're drawn in the artwork, both seen by themselves in that world and by the audience

Without TAWOG logic: all characters see each other as realistic or as if they're drawn, regardless of their art style unless they are made aware of their art style

I write this definition because for some reason, I'm annoyed by pseudo-TAWOG art styles. Nobody understood what I mean when I wrote my opinion on r/unpopularopinion. This is subjective, especially about art preferences, since beauty standards are different for each person

Usually, pseudo-TAWOG art styles have non-chibi anime-styled humans or Western-comic-styled humans. They're so many examples if you explore cute artworks but I cannot tell you which artists since I don't want them to feel offended (but I give you a clue for an example artist: the one who has a famous orange guy emoji, usually used in memes and Discord. I love this emoji but unfortunately, the artist doesn't draw cartoony humans frequently and prefers realistic humans in her drawings. Her old handle has a cartoony knight profile picture made by herself and the handle was knight-related). Use Pinterest and hashtags (Twitter and Instagram) to discover new artists and use Yandex for identifying the OP (Baidu if the artists are Mainland Chinese)

by PuniUwUCute March 13, 2023


The P's are capitalized to tell that they're Cyrillic/Greek R's. An algospeak for "furry". Coincides with the word "puppy", making it sounds cute

Some subreddit removed my post for saying "furry" even though I'm not a furry (but I love the art) just because I want to express my annoyance about realistic humans but cartoony animals art styles that looks like TAWOG but the logic doesn't work like TAWOG. I checked whether I was shadowbanned or not on r/shadowban and I say "fuPPy" to prevent deletion from automoderators

by PuniUwUCute February 16, 2023


Lottery, but at a larger, larger scale. In SE Eastern countries and India, there's something better than this bullshit and they're unified QR payment systems, central bank's interbank transfer system, and virtual accounts. This investment is more a lottery than a real investment

Probably born because of complex electronic payment rules in the West + probably greed. In Indonesia, you can transfer your money easily without private companies as middlemen like Paypal and the central bank acts as the middleman and it's cheap (only about $0,16 for small to moderate transactions and about $0,43 for RTGS / larger transactions). A Canadian Youtuber who makes Indonesian content, Sacha Stevenson, said that in Canada, you need to make an appointment, which is time-consuming, to transfer money to your family otherwise it's considered a suspicious transaction, while in Indonesia you don't

In the West, electronic payment methods are proprietary and there's no unified payment system (not referring to Indian's UPI, but in general)

The payment QR code: BCA (An Indonesian Bank)

Me: *Opens Gojek and pay with this app cos QRIS is unified* (QRIS, pronounced Kris or colloquially Kyu-ris, is the name for Indonesian's unified payment QR standard)

The app: *proceed to payment screen and pay*

Me: "See, Indonesia and SE Asian countries have something better than cryptocurrency"


Me: *transfers money to my other account in another bank*

The banking app: *Choose BI-FAST (2.5K IDR) or BI-RTGS (6.5 K IDR)*

Me: "No need a private company middleman! Things like Paypal and Skrill are no use in Indonesia unless for overseas transactions"

Each payment method has different use cases and suits for different types of transactions. Non-bank payment methods (can be filled/topped-up with bank, ride-hailing apps drivers, and convenience store chains) and QR codes are suitable for daily transactions like buying snacks and groceries; bank transfers are for family, company, and individual people money transfers; virtual account is suitable for buying something priced higher than 10,000K IDR, must be on the same bank and it's automated. Both banks and non-banks are usually have the unified QR code payment method, and for Bank Jago, the QR payment is tied to GoPay (Gojek)

by PuniUwUCute February 11, 2023

Google Lens

An intentionally stupid image search AI that censors you from searching images with women/girls, regardless of real or cartoon, naked or not. Also many artworks from small artists are omitted from the search, so that searching the OPs from artworks are hard on this and you have to rely on Yandex (most reliable) or Bing or Baidu (for Chinese artists)

Whenever it's not censored, the search results are not accurate and shows you similar things instead

"That farting woman cartoon that said "biu" has no result whenever you try to search on Google Lens, but Yandex and Baidu shows the exact result"

"Search any cute stickers or art you get from Pinterest, Google Lens might not tell you, not even giving the similar results"

"Try searching something like Touhou or any Japanese cartoons on Google Lens. They said no search results but for some reason, they sometimes don't censor"

by PuniUwUCute February 14, 2023


An indonesian word for "like" (liking someone, things)

Interestingly, it coincides with Russian language, and it means "B*tch" in Russian

"Aku suka anime"
"Aku suka tepung bumbu Mamasuka"
"Aku suka Rorojump"
"Aku suka Meatball (Weibo)"
"Apakah kamu menyukai aku?"

by PuniUwUCute May 7, 2021

Moon Pancake

A partial literal translation of terang bulan (Indonesian)(another name for hok lo pan and apam balik)(sometimes called martabak manis since this is usually sold together by martabak booths/stands). This is a pancake that filled with chocolate, condensed creamer, or cheese, or a combination of them (btw, cheese and chocolate combination tastes great). The fillings can be anything sweet, including milo powder. Usually spread with butter or margarine on the inside, right after being pulled from the cast iron pan

Terang bulan = moonshine
Terang bulan is a pancake, it named in that way because it resembles a full moon, so:
Moonshine + pancake = moon pancake (the word "shine" is removed to make it sounds better)

But this term is uncommon or rarely used, and has already taken by some Indonesian for her art business as a handle, and you might find her instead if you try to search this term

So, I discovered a small artist named "Moon Pancake" when I was playing Instagram. I forgot from where I discovered her, but usually I watch artists and journaling accounts stories to discover new artists and they usually share artists artworks. Also, sometimes I follow random artists from recommended list and post discovery or explore feature

I guessed that the name came from a cake called "terang bulan" since she's an Indonesian (and btw, Chinese Indonesian or Chindo, and as usual, many artists with similar art styles are Chinese or East Asian for some reason). She has two handles: this handle is for her shop (has an orange mascot) and another one, which I forgot, is for her illustration account and she had illustrationed a book. She's also sell globally

Enough talking about that artist. So, this pancake has many variations, including the one that served like a pizza and sometimes has a separate topping for each slice. A son of Joko Widodo (Indonesian president, 2014-2024), has a terang bulan / moon pancake business called "Markobar" and sells the cake with various toppings

by PuniUwUCute March 11, 2023

kawaii sign

or kawaii signature. A Japanese term for signatures with cute elements on them, usually having complex analogies of letters and shapes (usually animals). Popular in VTubers (mostly Japanese-only) and Kpop communities, both fans and the music band members

Used colloquially in Japan (they use hanko in formal context), but sometimes used as formal signatures outside Japan

There are some or a few people who makes kawaii sign commissions if you search for "kawaii sign" in Katakana letters and they all, the examples, looks catchy. I discovered it from a random VTuber/streamer in my Twitter recommended accounts and she did retweeted or tweet about who made her kawaii sign

by PuniUwUCute April 30, 2023