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A charming and sweet asshole, has the tendencies to have a smart mouth and be extremely sarcastic, but cares for everyone. He's nice when he wants to be and can make a girl fall for him in just the snap of a finger. He either loves sports or dosnt care about them at all and his favorite colors are usually Purple,yellow, blue, and green. He has a playful attitude and is happy most of the time. But if he isn’t happy he’s really mad and dangerous. If you meet a Drew, try to get on his good side becuase if you aren’t you’ll be scared of him and his friends. A Drew has millions of friends but he has just as many enemy’s as well. Drew is a 100% alpha male and used to be really skinny when he was younger and grew to be very musclier and strong, a Drew is always very very tall. A Drew is very popular and loves his hair and shoes more than anything and will do anything to keep his shoes clean and his hair on fleek. A Drew has really large genetles but is very modiste about it most of the time. Drew probably has weird genetics like Irish, German, Scottish or Australian. He is very perverted and loves to get naked and or skinny dip. He also loves music a lot and can always be found with a pair of headphones in his ears. He is a complete fuck boy and has dated hundreds of girls. Drew’s hair is probably a weird color lol Auburn, ginger or white. His real name is probably Andrew

“Uh oh it’s Drew I better leave”
“I love Drew’s hair “
“Drew is such an asshole...but I love him”

by Purple.inc May 1, 2018

43👍 14👎


A charming and sweet asshole, has the tendencies to have a smart mouth and be extremely sarcastic, but cares for everyone. He's nice when he wants to be and can make a girl fall for him in just the snap of a finger. He ether really loves sports or dosnt really care about them and his favorite colors are usually Purple, yellow, blue, or green. He has a playful attitude and is happy most of the time. But if he isn’t happy he is really mad and probably dangerous. He’s really popular and has several friends but has just as many enemy’s. People who meet a Drew should try to get on his good side because if your not you should be scared of him and his friends. His genetles are usually really big and he’ll mention that every chance he gets. A Drew is one of the kind of guys that LOVE his shoes and will do anything to keep them clean. A Drew has great style and a cool or unique hair color like auburn, ginger or white and it’s usually one of the most important things to a Drew and he may love his hair more than a friend of girlfriend. A Drew’s usually isn’t 100% American, there mostly Irish, Scottish, German or Swedish. His real name is probably Andrew. He also has dated hundreds of girls and is always looking for a one night stand.

“Uh oh, it’s Drew! I better leave”
“Wow I love Drew’s shirt it’s really stylish”
Jeez, Drew loves his hair and shoes to much!”

by Purple.inc May 1, 2018

3👍 2👎