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When that really smart white kid starts hanging out with them and "becomes" one by osmosis

I keep hearing about this really smart Kyle kid, is he Asian?
No, he's Transformasian. Without meeting him you would think he is tho

by Pussydestoyer6969 October 6, 2015


(adj.) feeling or displaying hunger and hormones simultaneously. Used in a sexual sense

Girl: if you keep scratching your balls, I'm gonna get horngry

Guy: Let's go to my place and bang right now

by Pussydestoyer6969 March 6, 2015


This is a word that truly cannot be defined, the definition is determined by context. It’s an adjective used to describe something or someone. It can also be used as a verb.

“Dude you were gooped last night”

“This restaurant is gooped, we should get out”

“This girl gooped me at the club, it was wild”

by Pussydestoyer6969 January 2, 2019

Vagina Taco

This is a multipart version of foreplay, and will only be enjoyed by people with a certain fetish.
Step 1: Spred the vagina lips far apart from one another and have your partner take a dump inside. This will act as the "shell" of the taco
Step 2: have your partner put their dick/finger in the vagina to push the shit down. This will act as the "meat" of the taco
Step 3: have your partner pee in the vagina hole and have them mix the piss and shit in the vagina with their finger or dick. This is the "cheese" of the taco.
Step 3: have your partner cum in the hole and, again mix the combination together. This will act as the sauce of the taco
Step 4: Finally, have your partner eat the "taco" until nothing is left. You can choose to have sex after this or not

Man 1: Sara let me give her a vagina taco last night! It was awesome!
Man 2: That's gross!!!
Man 1: You will never understand, you don't have the same fetishes as me

by Pussydestoyer6969 February 8, 2015

10👍 96👎

Shots Fired

When you make fun of someone and make a joke about them. After you make a really good comeback it is customary for someone to yell "SHOTS FIRED". This is Aly's saying and Jack can't use it!

Boy: "You look like shit! Just like your mom!

Girl: "That really hurt my feelings"

Random kid in the crowd" "SHOTS FIRED!"

by Pussydestoyer6969 May 27, 2015

52👍 59👎

Shots Fired

Aly's saying! Don't take it Jack! It means that you are throwin shade at someone or making fun of someone verbally. Not actually firing a gun

Man: you look awful

Woman: that hurt my feelings

Man: Shots fired

by Pussydestoyer6969 May 26, 2015

27👍 45👎


Make them boys go loco, they want my treasure so they get their pleasure from my photos.

Fergalicious, so delicious, but I ain't promiscuous. And if they were suspicious, all the sh*t is fictitious

by Pussydestoyer6969 February 9, 2015