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Rattlesnake Bill's eliminiment

A medicated topical preparation that's purportedly intended to soothe muscle-pain/stiffness, but is so horrendously powerful/concentrated (think, the searingly-strong stuff that Laurel Jr. spilled onto Hardy Jr.'s behind after accidentally shooting him with the BB gun in the movie "Brats", with predictably hysterical-screaming-and-writhing results) that the unfortunate user of said concoction actually feels like it's murdering ("eliminating") him.

Perhaps Achmed didn't get his flesh removed by the "premature detonation" of his suicide-bomb --- on the show, it is stated that Achmed's son AJ had "sent him a bottle of skin-lotion" as a gift, so maybe it was actually Rattlesnake Bill's eliminiment, and it literally dissolved the flesh right off him. It's no wonder, then, that the resentful Achmed later contemptuously "sent him back half a bottle", and that AJ now looks largely "skeletonized", just like his body-less dad... probably HE tried some of the eliminiment on HIMSELF, with similarly-horrific results.

by QuacksO June 1, 2018


(1) A major case of "da poops" dat college students get from consuming Philadelphia water.
(2) A similar-to-Definition-Number-One intestinal affliction suffered by da countless naively-trusting clients of da infamous Lawyer Tom due to his American-Greed-level money-laundering.

I'll just attend a small community college and avoid getting mixed up in major lawsuits to hopefully avoid any bouts of girardia.

by QuacksO August 3, 2023

fringe benefits

Refers to the ultimate in "benefits" when speaking of a lady's being a "friend with benefits", in that the friendship includes access to the "fringe" between her legs.

My new Internet girlfriend isn't much to look at or even all that interesting company, but at least she comes with fringe benefits.

by QuacksO January 17, 2014

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investment casting

A molding process whereby precious metals are melted down and formed into household items, sporting-goods, etc., enabling their buyers to be less "obvious" or "visible" in their acquisition of said valuable minerals than they would be if they simply purchased coins, bars, etc.

Two excellent examples of investment casting would be electrical/plumbing components and golf clubs, which can be formed from gold, silver, platinum, etc. and installed/stored in the investor's home without anyone's being the wiser.

by QuacksO May 19, 2019


The multitudes of “red-hot” news-reporters who incessantly pelt (i.e., “pepper”) public figures with demanding questions.

Pepperazzi may appeal to some attention-starved individuals, but I’d rather not have da nosy cameramen buzzing around me 24/7, thank you very much.

by QuacksO September 7, 2018


A dumba** college student with a barely-passing grade whom a company hires extra-cheaply because he lacks the knowledge/experience to perform his job efficiently, and so he cannot pull a "standard" wage that a properly-qualified laborer could.

According to recent statistics, a majority of schoolteachers are undergraduates who were at the bottom 20% of their classes, both academically and socially. So think of it --- these snooty morons totally suck at even knowing or performing their given professions, and yet they have the job of TUTORING the rest of us! What kinda convoluted bu**s**t is THAT???

by QuacksO November 4, 2018

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What a horny stud from Merry Olde England will likely face if he frequently has unprotected sex with a female of child-bearing age.

It's well known dat both Prince Charles and Lady Diana "got some cheesecake on da side", but I'm not sure if there were any pramifications --- i.e., da pitter-patter of little feet --- as a result of said philanderings.

by QuacksO March 8, 2021