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Someone who ain’t smart sweetie

“Emmylou is such a twacheet”

by QuangMyFem July 17, 2019


The classic, the exact same girth as breth, in millimetres.

Quite nanny today, you’re acting very stouty.

by QuangMyFem February 21, 2019


A small trout-like creature which lives in the sluggiest of waters. Scream loudly if approached by one, as they often attack young beings for eating their questionable cheesecake. Most Sueys dislike the company of the Moist Maggie, because they don't like having to compete to be the Sluggiest, a title which many fish have died trying to receive.

"I am the sluggiest of Sueys" said Quang

by QuangMyFem March 26, 2018

4👍 6👎


A frankly lanky human. They are often described as nabby in all walks of life.

I stood there on the sidewalk hearing god answering my prayers, I looked up to the heavens to find out it was just nana asking for carrot cak. Long!

by QuangMyFem February 21, 2019

11👍 2👎


Doing something with a rather somewhat of a buoyancy and/or rolliness. A heartfelt insult to the most happy of stouts (lottie).

She came in to school today.... stouty.

by QuangMyFem February 21, 2019

1👍 1👎


A stout with a particularly pointer side to them.
A long with a surprisingly rounder side to them.

Daddy Xia caressed her bobbin body.

by QuangMyFem February 21, 2019

1👍 2👎