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Smooth R and B Buttaz

Those early 90’s R and B songs that definitely got you and your significant other in the mood for love.

Paul: Hey Mazzella, how was your night?

Sean: It was great man, me and Erica went to dinner and capped off the night at a club and we danced to that smooth R and B buttaz all night long.

by RBumgarner March 23, 2019

Tony Pail

When you see a male with a pony tail

Dude, I can’t believe Mr. Bumgarner is rocking a Tony Pail

by RBumgarner October 29, 2019

I deserve it

An overweight person who will eat junk food and justify it by saying “I deserve it” because they worked out.

I’m going to have the peanut butter pie because I worked out... I deserve it.

by RBumgarner October 30, 2019

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Hotdog Skin

The type of skin pro wrestlers had in the 80’s and 90’s that resembled an uncooked hotdog.

Ron: Hey Bobby! Did you see that wrestling match between Flair and Hogan?

Bobby: Oh yeah! Both guys were so tan and oily with their hotdog skin!

by RBumgarner October 30, 2019

Gets no buns

Men that are unsuccessful with getting with women.

Male A: Look at Ron trying to put the moves on Mandy.

Male B: Ron will never succeed, he gets no buns!

by RBumgarner February 6, 2022

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