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Grape Chat

A group chat that consists of 8 friends who reside in multiple states across the U.S. At one point, all of these friends have either worked, shared a hobby, or lived next to each other. There is an occasional appearance from other people who cannot handle a full time participation.

Hey man, check out that pic I sent in Grape Chat.

by Ramphex February 19, 2019

Coitus Superiorisis

A condition resulting in abnormal, immature, and infantile behavior mixed with agoraphobia, homosexuality, unnatural parental attachment, failure to launch, pornography addiction, religious piousness, low self-esteem, and inferiority.

Person 1: Yo, did you hear that he was diagnosed with Coitus Superiorisis?!
Person 2: Yeah, we all saw that coming.

by Ramphex February 19, 2019

5👍 3👎

Build Planning

The term a Tesla Sales Advisor uses to fend off their customers who have been waiting for their car orders much longer than the Tesla Configurator promised/estimated upon order.

Michael: Hello there sir, my car was supposed to be here in June but it's now September and I have a blank date on my account page, could I please get any update on my order? I have already worn out 5 pairs of shoes walking 30 miles to work every day.
SA: Sure thing Michael, stand by one minute as I check my secret portal for more information than what is shown on your account page. Good news Michael, looks like your car is currently in the Build Planning stage so you should be a receiving a VIN at any moment now! I'm sorry about your shoes. Any chance you would be interested in going solar while you wait???

by Ramphex July 28, 2021