Source Code


How well you do in IQ tests. The formula to find it consists of your mental and chronological age put as a fraction, multiplied by 100.

I have an IQ of 160!
Really? How?
I just guessed on all the questions and got it right!
Now that's smart!

by Randompersononedayyoullmeet October 27, 2020


A website dedicated for teens and adults where 12 year olds feel mature and get mad when they're reported for being under age. Extremely addictive quizzes and articles, where they'll guess your favorite pizza based on your sock color. WARNING- Don't go there on work.

I'll start my work, just after this Buzzfeed quiz.

5 years later

Just one more.....

by Randompersononedayyoullmeet October 19, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Low IQ

People who spend more than 1 hour daily on their phones. You lose 10 points for each extra min.

OMG her phone screen time is 3 hours PER DAY!!! She must have a low IQ

by Randompersononedayyoullmeet October 27, 2020

21πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


Great person.

He's such a Donald, he is really smart and cool!

by Randompersononedayyoullmeet October 27, 2020


Great person.

He's such a Donald, he is really smart and cool!

by Randompersononedayyoullmeet October 27, 2020


A Hogwarts house everyone wants to be in just because the main character is in it even though they might not always fit in. The main characteristics are loyal and valiant.

She's smart and loyal, she should be a Gryffindor.
No, you're just trying to make her a Gryffindor cause you like her.

by Randompersononedayyoullmeet October 27, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


taking BuzzFeed quizzes

OK, I'll do my work.
Oh, look, this quiz will guess what color my socks are if I tell them how my 16th birthday was!

3 hours later...
OK, I'll start now
Oh look, this'll guess my name if I tell them my favorite shades of black...


by Randompersononedayyoullmeet October 27, 2020