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retarded ass hoe


you are a retarded ass hoe

by Realtmontana May 30, 2022

2👍 1👎


when you cum so hard your balls explode

omg did you know chad? he died from shleboi

by Realtmontana May 23, 2022


a made up slang term by neckbeards to save thair shattered pride

Oh No An AnAmEpHoBe Is "HuRrAsSiNg" Me On TwItTeR

by Realtmontana May 23, 2022


the sexual oriantation where you are only sexualy atracted to homless people

man that one guy in that one ally is realy hot i think i might be a hobosexual

by Realtmontana June 26, 2022

BAB syndrome

BAB(basic ass bitch) syndrome is a terminal illness that has many symtoms, including but not limited to:
loving pumkin spice everything, overusing the word like, being obsessed with drama, having a low intelegence, being named tiffany or jessica, and reading urban dictionary definitions

"ugh its jessica agien, she has BAB syndrome

by Realtmontana February 18, 2023